With a background in attaining multiple ISO9000 certifications, the team combines a process-driven approach to engineering with an ethical business ethos aiming for long-term customer satisfaction. We provide innovative solutions to real world problems within the context of cost, time and technical pressures.

Working with us
We work with you to define an agreed program of work and schedules. Commercial arrangements are adaptable, however they typically fall into one of the following categories:
- Fixed price: for well-defined work packages.
- Time and materials: where work packages are less well defined or the future direction is gated upon the outcomes of earlier phases.
- A blend of the above: for example, time and materials in early stages followed by fixed price when the project becomes better defined.
Our engineers can work:
- On-Site: typically as part of your team.
- Off-Site: remotely using Systems4Silicon's facilities.

Core Values
Systems4Silicon employs the following values in its dealings with customers and employees:
- Honesty and integrity.
- Professionalism.
- Good communication.
- A belief in process driven engineering.
Whilst not slaves to the rule book, we firmly appreciate that good processes are there to minimise overall project and product costs. We also believe that through good basic communication, efficient progress is maximised.

With considerable experience of implementing and working within ISO9001 quality systems, we believe that having clearly defined engineering processes improves quality and reduces costs by avoiding development or production rework.
We can work to our own methodologies or adopt yours as appropriate.

At its Bristol UK laboratory, Systems4Silicon is able to carry out prototype hardware development and RF performance measurements.
Systems4Silicon’s secure IT network provides a number of facilities:
- Windows or Linux based working environments.
- Remote access logins for clients via secure VPN.
- Daily back-ups with offsite storage protected on encrypted hardware.
- Version and configuration control management.
- Bug and issue tracking.
These facilities can be shared with clients to allow joint working; alternatively Systems4Silicon's engineers can work using your facilities either on-site or by remote access.